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                                                                                                                                                      Gallia County Jail
                                                                                                                                                      535 Second Ave.
                                                                                                                                                      Gallipolis, OH 45631
                                                                                                                                                      Pho: (740)441-2054

The Corrections Division is responsible for the operations of adult detentions under the jurisdiction of the Gallia County Sheriff. The Corrections Division operates the only full-service jail in Gallia County which is located at 535 Second Ave., Gallipolis, Ohio. Jail staff receives 40 hours of advanced training in practical techniques for de-escalating crises as part of the Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) by the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI).  Additionally, corrections staff receive an additional 8 hours of advanced training and certification in Mental Health First Aid (MHFA).


The Gallia County Jail recognizes the significance of visitation and the opportunity to maintain contact with family and friends while upholding facility safety and security.

Visitation with inmates incarcerated at the Gallia County Jail is non-contact using video monitors in completing a video visitation. Visitors are responsible for following the video visitation policy and regulations of the Gallia County Jail.

The Gallia County Jail uses ICSolutions video visitation for family and friends to visit an inmate at their convenience. All visits are 30 minutes. Visits can be scheduled online or in the jail lobby on the registration computer. Off-site visits take place from a home computer with a video camera or by a mobile device with a camera. 

Click here to schedule a video visitation with an inmate. 



U.S. Mail

All inmates may receive U.S. Mail addressed as follows:

Inmates name

C/O Gallia County Jail

535 Second Ave

Gallipolis, OH 45631

All U.S. mail will be opened, digitally scanned with original documents will be placed into the inmate's personal property for pickup at the time of release from the facility. Inmates are able to view digitally scanned U.S. mail on the kiosk machines located in each housing area. 


Electronic Mail

Inmates may also send and receive emails while incarcerated in the facility for a per-email fee. All emails, photographs, and correspondence are subject to inspection. Emails deemed to be a safety or safety concern to the facility or inmates are subject to denial by the facility.


To register for email access please visit



Inmate property will only be released Monday-Friday 8 am-4 pm and must be picked up at the Gallia County Jail. Inmates must authorize the release of their property by 

signing a property release form provided to them by Gallia County Jail staff.  Personal property that can be dropped off for inmates is limited to money, prescription 

medication, and legal documents. Questions regarding inmate property release should be directed to Clerk April Montgomery at (740) 208-2115.


When each inmate is booked in, they will receive a commissary account which is where they will put their funds. Inmates have the option to order a variety of snacks, hygiene and clothing items through the commissary each week. All inmate commissary accounts are handled by Stellar Services. There is a kiosk located in our lobby that is open 24/7 to accept deposits to inmate accounts. This kiosk accepts cash, credit, and debit cards. There is a $4 fee per deposit for using this service. You may also place funds onto inmate accounts by clicking the following link. 

Click here to place funds on an Inmate commissary account.



Jail Administrator

Seth Argabright

Lieutenant Seth Argabright

Pho: (740) 208-2115



Shift Corrections Supervisor



Sgt Kristen Ward (CIT/ MHFA)

Pho:  (740) 441-2055



Sgt Brooklynn Stapleton (CIT/ MHFA)

Pho:  (740) 441-2055



Sgt Breanna Wolford

Pho:  (740) 441-2055

Corrections Officers


M. Russell

Corrections Officer Michael Russell (CIT/ MHFA)


A. McCoy

Corrections Officer Amy McCoy (CIT/MHFA)



Corrections Officer Denise Richards (CIT)



Corrections Officer Kelli Henry



Corrections Officer Misty Clay (CIT/ MHFA)



Corrections Officer Pam Hartenbach (CIT/ MHFA)


Corrections Officer Lane Roberts


Corrections Officer Caleb Higginbotham



Corrections Officer Todd Hamilton

Corrections Officer Denise Karr



Support Staff



Records Clerk April Montgomery

Pho: (740) 208-2115


Records Clerk Alexis Polley

Pho: (740)446-4612 ext 3012



Laundry Services Sandra Mayes




CIT denotes Crisis Intervention Team (40-hour advanced de-escalation training)

Click here for more information regarding the Ohio Crisis Intervention Teams. 

MHFA denotes Mental Health First Aid (8-hour advanced training and certification in responding to mental health events)

Click here for information regarding Mental Health First Aid Training.



In accordance with the Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 (PREA), the Gallia County Jail will comply with standards to prevent, detect and respond to sexual abuse in its facility. The standards are in place to protect inmates. The jail has developed and maintains a zero-tolerance policy regarding sexual abuse. There are multiple channels for inmates to report sexual abuse, including by contacting an outside entity and allowing inmates to report abuse anonymously upon request. Inmates may call toll-free and leave a voicemail to report sexual abuse. Also, the victim inmate or a third-party inmate may report sexual assault directly to any staff member verbally or through written communication. All reports will be investigated immediately and the proper protocol followed. Instances of sexual abuse need to be reported immediately so that evidence, medical examinations, and a thorough investigation can be conducted. This includes inmates who are being sexually abused by other inmates or staff. The Jail Administrator is the PREA point person to coordinate compliance efforts.